Basic Data

We are a modern European airline providing friendly and flexible services based on adherence to safety and high quality using our vast experience and long tradition of a carrier established in 1923. We are one of the five oldest airlines in the world. We are a founder member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and have been a member of a global alliance of air carriers, the SkyTeam Alliance, since 2001.

Company Registered Seat

Company Name: České aerolinie a. s.
Registered Seat: K Letišti 1068/30, Ruzyně, 161 00 Praha 6
Company ID No: 45795908
Data Box:: 6crcdrn

Business Focus and Certifications

We specialise in regular passenger air transport, operate special charter flights, leases spare aircraft capacity to other air carriers and offer the air transport of shipments and mail.

Czech Airlines has been ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) and IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) certified continuously since 2005.

České aerolinie a.s., as a controlled person, is a part of the group established on 9 April 2024, which also includes Prague City Air s.r.o., ID No.: 141 91 814, with its registered office at Václavské náměstí 815/53, Nové Město, 110 00 Prague 1, registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague under No. C 361833, as a controlling person. This disclosure is made in accordance with the provisions of Section 79(3) of Act No. 90/2012 Coll., on Commercial Companies and Cooperatives (Act on Commercial Corporations), as amended.

Board of Directors

Petr Kudela

Chairman of the Board

Radek Müller

Vice Chairman of the Board

Supervisory Board

Augustin Kohoutek

Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Irina Trjačkova

Member of the Supervisory Board

Legal Disclaimer

Czech Airlines regularly checks and updates information published on its website. Despite the effort, it is possible that certain information changes since the last update. No responsibility or warranty regarding the up-to-date status, correctness and completeness of the presented information can thus be legally enforced.

The same rule applies to all internet pages connected with Czech Airlines’ pages by hyperlinks. Czech Airlines is not responsible for the content of thus visited websites. Certain information and offers are provided by Czech Airlines partners as independent services. Please, bear in mind, that the Terms and Conditions enforced by our business partners relate to the above-mentioned services and offers and that no recommendations and warranties may be drawn from the fact that there are links to their websites from Czech Airlines’ website. Czech Airlines is not responsible for the content of its partners’ websites. The suppliers are not representatives of Czech Airlines.

Further, Czech Airlines reserves the right to change and amend the provided information at any times.

The contents and structure of Czech Airlines’ website is subject to Copyright. It is only possible to duplicate information, data, texts and graphic element content thereto with prior written consent provided by Czech Airlines.


SkyTeam is an international alliance of 20 air carriers. Daily, through one of the largest networks of transfer points, the SkyTeam offers to its more than 630 million passengers the following benefits:

  • The option of collecting miles for flights with any SkyTeam member airline and their use with a member airline of their choice,
  • Free visits to more than 750 member airport lounges around the world,
  • To SkyTeam Elite Plus members, guaranteed booking even on sold-out flights,
  • More than 14,500 flights a day at 1,150 airports in 175 countries worldwide,
  • More price options to a greater number of destinations,
  • Extensive global network of transfer points for flights of SkyTeam member airlines,
  • Simplified check-in process applied by SkyTeam member airlines to ensure passenger comfort,
  • Only one check-in for flights with transfers,
  • Information provided by any SkyTeam office around the world.

SkyTeam Cargo

As a member of largest global airline cargo alliance SkyTeam Cargo, we can offer reliable and comprehensive experience. Thanks to the joint experties of all members, the alliance bridges the globe while offering the most extensive network, clearly defined product lines and seamless transfer of services.



The Environmental Management System (EMS) was implemented in our company in 2008, in line with the requirements of the ISO 14001 Certificate. Since then, it has been regularly re-certified by an international company. Our goal is to continue to decrease both the direct and indirect impact of our operation on the environment and to the maximum extent apply the strategy of prevention and the principles of avoiding pollution.

Czech Airlines Noise Policy

We realise that the noise burden connected with aircraft operations is perceived to be a serious issue. However, any noise abatement measures must comply with all safety criteria and reflect the economic reality.

Generally Applied Aircraft Operation Noise Reduction Principles

  • In-flight, there are two sources of aircraft noise production, the most prominent being the noise of the propulsion units (motors). Aircraft aerodynamics is the second major source of noise which originates as a natural consequence of airborne motion. With new generation of aircraft, advanced technology has made it possible to significantly reduce noise levels in both components. In the last 20 years, Czech Airlines has fundamentally upgraded its fleet, replacing the old and obsolete types of aircraft with new models certified in the least noisy categories based on international standards. The process of modernization of the fleet continues to this effect,
  • Land-use planning and management are primarily the responsibility of the Building Authority whereas the airport operator is the initiator of changes. Even if all restrictions are met, aircraft in operation produce noise which triggers a specific protocol within the airport surrounding areas. The airport operator, Prague Airport, a joint stock company, follows the issue closely on its website,
  • Operational restrictions/bans are applied as restrictive measures to prevent excessive noise from aircraft operations over densely populated areas and at noise-sensitive times (e.g. at night). Details of these restrictions are published in the Flight Information Manual and may only be violated in cases where flight safety would be compromised. The office of the Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic informs about the air traffic management system activities on its website,
  • The departure (SID – the Standard Instrument Departure Route) and arrival (STAR – the Standard Terminal Arrival) procedures are the most important noise abatement measures applied in the vicinity of airports, designed and enforced by the airport operator in co‑operation with the key aircraft operator and the provider of air navigation services. The procedures are approved by the Civil Aviation Authority. Czech Airlines is involved in the process of creation of the procedures for the Prague/Ruzyně airport. The resulting departure and arrival procedures are then published in the Flight Information Manual and must be adhered to by pilots.

The adequacy of procedures for reducing the noise burden depends on the physical characteristics of the airport and its surroundings. The main objective is to ensure the smallest number of people are affected by the aviation noise upon adherence to flight safety and maintenance of reasonable capacity.

Irrespective of Airport Particularities, Departure and Arrival Procedures are Based on the Following General Principles:

  • Aircraft take-off procedures are selected based on the specification which part of the take-off should be noise-reduced. This dictates the use of the (maximum) take-off power of the propulsion systems (motors) and the wing take-off configuration. If the maximum available power is used, a sufficient altitude is quickly reached, and the more remote surrounding areas are better protected against noise. If the close surroundings of the airport are to be protected against excessive noise, procedures with faster aircraft acceleration are applied to ensure the take-off may sooner continue upon the use of less power,
  • To reduce the noise burden during landing, continuous descent is used without changing the speed and power of the propulsion systems. The goal is to ensure uninterrupted descent upon reduced performance and resistance so that the landing gear set can be ejected as late as possible.

The adherence to the noise abatement measures is closely monitored on both SID and STAR routes. Aircraft crews always priorities traffic safety when making their respective decisions. There are cases where it is necessary to deviate from the prescribed procedures for maintaining flight safety – e.g. conflicting traffic, a rain‑storm, etc.

Czech Airlines pilots undergo continued training with due attention paid to noise abatement procedures.

Noise levels from aircraft operations at the Prague/Ruzyně airport are regulated by the airport operator – Prague Airport, a joint stock company. Czech Airlines, just as other air carriers, pays noise charges for every landing and take-off performed at the Prague/Ruzyně airport. The amount charged is based on the time of the day (with different charges applied to day-time and night-time operations), the maximum take-off weight of the aircraft and its appropriate noise category classification according to the noise certificate issued by ICAO (the International Civil Aviation Organization).

Prague Airport has applied noise abatement measures within the Prague/Ruzyně airport’s Noise Protected Zone by facilitating replacements of windows with appropriate models with prescribed sound insulation. To finance the measures, the airport uses noise charge funds. Czech Airlines is one of the major contributors to the fund thanks to its significant share of airport operations a year. Czech Airlines pays dozens of millions of Czech crowns in noise charges a year.

Effective the 2018 summer season, 14 aircraft noise categories are recognised by the Prague/Ruzyně airport, with Category 1 being the quietest and Category 14 being the noisiest. The noise charges vary based on the time of the day with significantly higher charges applied to nigh-time operations.

Emission from Aircraft

Aviation emissions currently account for about three percent of total EU greenhouse gas emissions, but their share keeps growing rapidly.

Since 2009, Czech Airlines has been included in the EU ETS – the European Union Emission Trading Scheme. The EU ETS is the first of the European Union's mechanisms to ensure the compliance with Kyoto commitments, in which the contracting parties undertook to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Originally, only stationary sources of air pollution (power stations, heating plants, large boiler rooms, etc.) were included in the system. Since 2012, the system is also fully applicable to air transport. The purpose of the Emissions Trading Scheme is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Emissions Trading Scheme for aviation at the EU level is subject to the European Parliament and Council Directive No. 2008/101/EC (hereinafter referred to as “the Directive"), based on which the EU ETS system has been extended to include the civil aviation sector as of 2012. The Directive has been incorporated in the Czech legal system by Act No. 383/2012, Coll., as amended.

The EU ETS System Covers
All flights landing or taking-off at one of the EU member states, Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein.
All air carriers registered both in EU and outside EU not subject to exemption (small companies)
Simply put, every carrier originating or terminating its flight within the EU (plus Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway) territory will have to secure for each of its flights the respective number of permits to compensate the produced CO2 emissions during the flight.

Operators of aircraft included in the EU ETS are obliged to monitor and report on a yearly basis CO2 emissions produced during each calendar year. In detail Emission and Tonne-Kilometre Monitoring Plan, officially approved by the Ministry of Environment, is a necessary prerequisite for the process of monitoring and reporting CO2 emissions or tonne-kilometres. Tonne‑kilometre data is monitored and reported only for the purpose of applying for the free allocation of emission allowances for the trading period or for the allocation of free allowances from the special reserve.

Czech Airlines monitors emissions produced during individual flights and evaluates the recorded trends based on aircraft load and other relevant factors. The amount of emissions produced during a particular flight depends on the type of aircraft engine, its age, load factor, selected route, current weather conditions and other factors..

Wastewater Treatment

At present, Czech Airlines does not produce any technological waste water. Sewage wastewater from regular operations is disposed of using the sewage system on site at the company headquarters.

Waste Management

The management of waste generated by Czech Airlines activities is in line with the related legislation, as confirmed by regular inspections by public authorities. The production of individual types of waste is constantly monitored with the aim to continue reducing the amount of hazardous waste production in particular. We pay close attention to prioritizing the use of waste over its disposal.

Sorting waste enables us to efficiently recycle the respective collected materials (paper, glass, thin-walled aluminium, various types of plastics, metals, wood) and at the same time ensures certain economic benefits.

Aircraft De-Icing

De-icing agents are used to remove and prevent ice on aircraft before take‑off. Two types of de-icing agents are used on our aircraft: the former designed to de-ice the aircraft, the latter to prevent the frost on aircraft (the layer sticks to the aircraft due to the special structure of the polymers it contains).

Aircraft de-icing is outsourced by Czech Airlines and supplied by individual handling companies.