Alongside Stockholm, Gothenburg, Linköping and Växjö, Malmö is the fifth destination in Sweden to where Czech Airlines will be operating regular scheduled flights. The carrier plans to service the Malmö route, which will be launched on 28 March 2017, year round. Czech Airlines will operate the route from Prague to Malmö four times a week, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays with ATR 72 turbo propeller aircraft with a capacity of 70 seats. Flights to Malmö will take about an hour and a half.

The Malmö route connects to a number of Czech Airlines’ regular scheduled flights from Prague, for example to Beirut, Moscow, Skopje, Seoul and other destinations.

One-way tickets to Malmö start at CZK 1,970, while return tickets can be purchased from CZK 3,385 including all airport charges. Czech Airlines will launch the Prague – Malmö route ticket sales later today within the entire ticket distribution network, i.e. via Czech Airlines’ websites and, ticketing offices, travel agencies and online selling points.

In the 2017 summer season, Czech Airlines will also add frequencies on its Stockholm route, to offer a daily connection, and service Gothenburg up to twice a day, with one direct flight and one flight with a stopover in Hamburg.